Tips For Planning A Successful Vacation


Everyone has that feeling when they are about to walk out the door, or sitting on a plane 10,000 feet above ground; did I leave the oven on? While traveling is a fun and relaxing experience, it also has its own myriad of stresses that we hope the following information will help you sort through and prepare for your next big trip.

Do not bother wrapping gifts. A lot of people buy small souvenirs when traveling. If you are planning on bringing something back to a loved one, don’t bother wrapping it before you return home. On the off chance that your bag is inspected, it will have to be unwrapped anyway.

Buy airport carry-on sized toiletries when flying to your next travel destination. Store them in zip lock bags in your luggage and you won’t need to worry about security confiscating them.

When traveling, don’t forget that you can travel by bus to many areas in North and South America. It can be much less expensive than flying and is generally lower-stress for the travelers. Traveling by bus has lost much of its stigma in recent years, with many companies purchasing new vehicles and even hiring security guards to ride along.

When booking flights for travel, always select your specific seat in advance. This ensures that you will get the seat you want, be it aisle, window, or emergency exit row. It also helps prevent you from getting bumped to standby in the event of an overbooking, since your seat assignment is locked in.

Limit the amount of luggage you take on your trip to a carry-on bag. Luggage has a nasty habit of getting lost in airports. Even if it does not get lost, you often spend an annoying amount of time waiting for it to show up on the luggage carrousel. Limiting the luggage you take to a single carry-on bag will eliminate this problem entirely.

If a hotel charges for internet access, ask for a room on a lower floor. Sometimes you will get lucky and be able to snag wireless capabilities from nearby cafes or lobbies. The bottom floor is the best to be able to do this, but it is not unheard of to be able to reach it from the second floor.

Travelers without children should not be too quick to judge or get angry with small children on a public mode of transportation. Traveling with children is quite stressful for the parents as well and they are usually highly embarrassed by their child’s behavior. Try to remember that you were once a child as well and if in a plane, recognize that high altitudes are quite hard on a small child’s inner ears.

Always leave a copy of your travel itinerary with someone back at hom,e so that they can keep track of you. Be sure to include phone numbers and addresses so that they will be able to contact you if needed. You never know what sort of emergency might come up while you are away.

Research and prepare for any communications costs that you might have, in regards to computing while traveling. Knowing where you will have access to Wi-Fi and what equipment you will need to connect at your various destinations, will make your journey easier and avoid on the fly purchases when you need to communicate.

Prior to traveling abroad, take some time to familiarize yourselves with the local laws of the country you are visiting. Laws can be very different from country to country. Consulates cannot step over local laws, so if you do break one, even if you were unaware of it, you will be held accountable.

When traveling, always know the number of doors between your hotel room and the exit. If there is a fire, you will have to quickly move to the stairwell. If the fire produces a lot of smoke, you may not be able to see, so feeling the doors and counting until you reach the right one may be your only option.

Pack one extra outfit in your carry-on bag. Lost luggage could leave you without a change of clothes until they are located. By having one on hand, you will at least be able to change one clean set of clothes. Make sure your spare outfit does not take up a lot of space – a simple t-shirt and lightweight pants or shorts will suffice.

If you have a guidebook to help you in your travels you can tear out the sections you will be using and staple the pages together. This will lighten the load you are carrying. When you are leaving a place you can leave the used sections behind for other travelers to use.

We can’t promise you that nothing will go wrong on your next vacation, but if you are able to put into place the tips and advice we have given you here in this article, there should be much less that can go wrong and put a damper on your traveling adventure. Bon voyage!