Getting More For Less Every Time You Travel


Although traveling nationally or internationally gives you the opportunity to see the world and interact with people of all backgrounds, it can also be a hassle, an expense or even a danger. However, there are ways to make your trip less stressful and more enjoyable, whether it’s for business or pleasure. All you need to do is follow these simple tips.

Don’t use the public computers in your hotel or anywhere else they offer free internet while you are on vacation. There is something called a keylogger that scammers use to gain access to your bank information as you type the keys on the computer.

When traveling in countries with unsafe tap water, remember other ways that you might be exposed. Close your mouth when using the shower and brush your teeth only with treated water. If you make tea or coffee with the water, allow it to boil for several minutes before steeping. Even a small exposure can make you very ill.

When traveling to poorer or less-developed areas, avoid touching any of the local animals. This obviously includes farm animals, but also covers stray cats and dogs as well as draft or pack animals. You never know what diseases these animals could be carrying, and chances are you don’t have the same immunities as the locals.

When packing for your trip, make a list of the essentials and stick to that list. Pack in advance if you can. If you simply throw all of the items you think you’ll need into your bag the night before, you’ll end up with over-sized heavy luggage that will be difficult to transport.

Check out alternative places to stay. You don’t always have to stay in a hotel to feel great on vacation. There are many “house-swapping” sites available, which allow you to stay in someones vacant home. Try looking for cabins or bed and breakfasts. Alternate lodging can be some of the most interesting and fun parts of vacationing, so be sure to check it out!

If you need to use the bathroom during a long flight, please make sure to put your shoes on when entering the restroom. You never know what kind of germs can be on the floor of the plane, especially near the commode. When you return to your seat, feel free to kick your shoes off.

Packing for trip is really a process of balancing out the column of what you absolutely need against what would be nice to have. You only have so much room in your luggage. One way to make your trip so much easier is to only pack the bare essentials. Buy anything else you might need once you are at your destination!

When traveling in remote areas by car there is not always a convenience stop at every mile marker. When you are traveling with children, in particular, this can be very problematic. Take along a sheet so you can drape it over the open doors of your vehicle to give them some semblance of privacy when you have to make that emergency pit stop on the side of the road.

One way of minimizing ice buildup on your windshield is to park your car with the windshield facing away from the prevailing wind. Another way too few of us think about is to cover our windshields with a throw rug when we park our vehicles. Tuck the edge in under your windshield wipers and your car will be as snug as a bug in a rug.

If you’re going on a road trip, have your car looked over before you leave. Most things can be replaced if they break while you’re out of town, but if your car breaks down you can be in a lot of trouble. It can be expensive to get it fixed or to find a way to your destination or home, that’s more headaches than you need.

While traveling to a foreign country is an exciting experience, it can also be risky if you aren’t familiar with its laws and customs. For that purpose, the State Department of the United States created a website ( that you can visit to find out a wealth of information on the country to which you are traveling, including facts on crime, health conditions and popular attractions.

Remember to pack an eyeglass repair kit if you wear glasses. If your glasses break while away on vacation, it can be difficult to locate the correct parts and tools, especially if you are in foreign country. There is nothing worse than going sightseeing and not being able to see the sights.

As you can see, there are a number of ways to make traveling more pleasurable, as well as safer and less costly. Many of these tips come from seasoned travelers who have learned through experience. Use their knowledge to your advantage the next time you have to plan a trip, whether it’s in a neighboring city or another country.