How To Can Become A Professional Bass Fisherman


Fishing looks easy, to the outside observer. But any serious fisherman knows that there is an art to fishing. You have to know when to go, what kind of lure to use, and what to do while you wait for them to bite your hook. Here are some fishing tips that will make all of that easier to figure out.

Don’t blind the fish! While shiny lures are often very effective at attracting specific species, the reflection of the sun can blind a fish and send it swimming away. Matte lures can be equally as effective while they won’t scare off as many fish as a metallic lure would, so consider using both when you fish.

Choose an inverse color for your bait from the color of the water. If the water is murky, try to use light colored bait so that it is visible to the fish. On the other hand, if the water is clear, make sure to use darker colored bait.

Use the migration patterns of the fish to determine whether you fish uphill or downhill in different seasons. For instance, during the springtime, always cast uphill allowing you to get in front of the fish. Fish downhill in the fall because that’s the direction the fish are moving in.

If you are unable to hook a fish with your favorite lure, you may want to consider examining the hooks on the lure. Many fishermen ignore the fact that extended use of hooks can dull and deform them, making it much harder to land a fish. Change your hooks often so that your lures catch fish without hassle.

When you are a beginning fisherman, learn as much as you can by using the resources available to you. Do lots of research before jumping in. There are many books, blogs and online articles which can help you gain knowledge. Once you’ve learned the necessary skills, you can start catching bigger and bigger fish.

If you have always fished from the shore, there are many things you need to understand before you undertake boat fishing. The differences are very large and there are many more safety issues at play when you begin to fish from the prow of a smaller boat in the middle of the water.

When you are choosing your fishing rod, be sure the eyelets that hold the line are smooth. They should not have any kind of abrasive feel. Any roughness with the line could cause it to weaken or to snap at that vital point when you have caught that big fish.

Saltwater fish tend to be a lot sharper when it comes to the scent of your bait. For that reason, it is usually advisable to fish with fresh live or fresh dead bait, when fishing in salt water. This is more likely to attract fish from a distance than artificial lures with more subtle or less natural scents.

Clouds can be useful too. Overcast skies can be helpful because they make fish look for food. The extended length of time that the fish are visible during their meal times will enable you to lock in to their location more quickly. Be sure the water temperature is warm and fish will be active.

When casting your line into a river, or lake, ensure that you have adequate clearance, especially if you are new to fishing. Hooks can easily catch on trees, shrubs, power lines, or other items overhead, which may mean that you lose your hook and bait. Always cast from a location that has plenty of room.

Avoid wasting fish you have already caught. It can be fun to bring home tons of fish, but it’s a waste if you let most of them rot. If you think that you have caught more than your fair share, consider throwing some back so that others may have the same fortunes as you.

If you go fishing by yourself, always let someone know exactly where you plan to fish and what time you plan to return from your trip. Follow the schedule and return on time, or check in by phone if you plan to stay later. This can prevent unnecessary worry on behalf of your loved ones.

When fishing in fresh water, look for fallen debris. Cattails, logs in the water, and lily pads make great places for fish to hide, and therefore they usually equal a great fishing location. Just be sure that any water you pull your boat into isn’t too shallow or you might end up getting stuck.

Keep these tips in mind the next time you’re out fishing so that it is easier to get the fish to bite your hook. Use them as more ideas in your tackle box that you can use to catch more fish. Fishing can be an art, but you have to catch some too!