Discover Tips To Make Your Next Trip Go Smoother


Everyone has that feeling when they are about to walk out the door, or sitting on a plane 10,000 feet above ground; did I leave the oven on? While traveling is a fun and relaxing experience, it also has its own myriad of stresses that we hope the following information will help you sort through and prepare for your next big trip.

If you’re going to be travelling by air, make sure you don’t put any valuables or electronics in your checked luggage. Luggage handlers aren’t known to be gentle and any electronics may end up damaged during transport. Airlines are also known to lose luggage and you don’t want to take a chance of losing something valuable.

Split up clothes between bags when traveling. When traveling with more than one person, split your clothes between your respective suitcases. There is a chance you might lose a bag during your trip. If a bag is lost, having the clothes split up ensures than everyone will have at least one change of outfit available to them.

Write down your travel plans and leave a copy with friends or family. It is always wise to prepare for the unexpected. Should you go go missing, someone is sure to notice much sooner this way. Knowing what your plans were will also be very helpful to the authorities.

When traveling, never take an item from someone to transport it for them. No matter their situation or how nice they may seem, this is almost always a trap to convince an unwary tourist to transport drugs or other contraband into secure areas. Even “gifts” can fall into this category.

Pay attention to your intution when traveling. If a specific store, person, or neighborhood gives you “bad vibes”, just walk away. Your intuition might be telling you something that you haven’t consciously noticed. Even if you’re wrong, it’s better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your safety.

When traveling by air, there is no longer any reason to carry a separate toiletries bag. All of your liquids and gels will need to fit into a Ziplock bag regardless. That bag will already be sealed, and will be smaller and lighter than any bag designated for the task.

A plastic shoe organizer over your hotel door can keep you organized. It is difficult to stay organized away from home, with little to no storage space except your suitcase. Put an organizer over your bathroom door when you arrive, the kind with the clear pockets is best. You can use it to store your essentials and keep them where it’s easy to locate.

Keep everything in one spot. Don’t spend too much time searching for common travel items. Try buying a type of plastic bin and keeping all the traveling items in a single spot. A container is great for storing many different objects.

Once you have found an agent and an insurance policy you are happy with you will pay your premium and then you should receive your written policy. Receiving your premium tells you that the insurance agent has forwarded your insurance premium information to the insurance company. If you don’t receive your policy within a couple months, contact your agent.

If you are traveling by air, it is vital that you remember to drink enough water. Travel is stressful, and the running around can deplete your body of water. The recirculated air on airplanes and in most airports will further dehydrate you. Buy a refillable water bottle after you go through security to help with hydration.

Show your loyalty. Even if you are only planning to stay one night, if your hotel has a loyalty program, it can be worth it to join. In addition to additional amenities, such as garment pressing or free meals, a guest who is perceived as a loyal customer is less likely to be chosen if the hotel is overbooked and needs to cancel a reservation or needs to substitute a lower quality room.

Travelers are a common target of theft, but you can protect your luggage with a few simple tactics. Put Christmas bells on your suitcases and carry-on luggage, to alert you if someone tries to take them. Insert your foot through the strap or handle of your luggage when sitting in an airport lounge during a layover. Be aware that a distraction around you may be a deliberate attempt to divert your attention from your belongings.

You can save yourself a lot of time and avoid hassles by traveling as light as possible. If you just take carry-on luggage and don’t check any bags, you won’t have to waste your time standing around the baggage carousel after your flight and you’ll never have to worry about the airline losing your bags.

We can’t promise you that nothing will go wrong on your next vacation, but if you are able to put into place the tips and advice we have given you here in this article, there should be much less that can go wrong and put a damper on your traveling adventure. Bon voyage!