Superior Photography Tips For The Budding Photographer


Taking great pictures has never been easier than it is nowadays because of digital cameras. Make sure you follow the advice in this article, so that you can make average shots look professional. Many tricks can be applied in just seconds, when you know how, leaving people wonder how come you take such great pictures all the time!

If you are having difficulty holding your camera straight, purchase a tripod. A tripod will go a long way in helping to keep your camera in place, so you can focus on other variables other than balance. Tripods work great if you are in the wilderness or on an uneven terrain.

If you want to take high quality portraits, do not rely on your camera’s built in flash. Instead you want to look at investing in a softbox to use for external lighting. If you can’t afford this, look into purchasing an external flash unit with a diffuser for your camera.

Hold your camera properly. You should hold it on one side and use your other hand to support the lens. Place your hand under the lens instead of over it. When you place your hands this way, you are supporting the camera instead of applying pressure, which could make your pictures blurry.

Keep your photo subject simple. The busier the subject is the more difficult it is to capture something that is going to be interesting. Keeping the backgrounds simple will make it easier for the eye to focus on the subject that you are capturing. Keeping it uncomplicated seems simple, but many forget to do it.

When you are dealing with low lighting settings and you do not have a tripod, try to be aware of your shutter speed. Make sure it has a denominator that is greater than the focal length of the lens. Otherwise, you will not be able to capture sharp images.

Don’t just rely on straight on flash from your camera for your shots. That only guarantees a burst of frontal lighting. Get a little more creative and try to create soft lighting conditions. How do you do that with flash, you ask? You can do that by bouncing your flash off of a wall or ceiling.

To create professional pictures of flowers, you can not rely on a natural background, a vase and a table. You need a solid colored background so that the focus is solely on the flowers. Try placing a white or black paper behind it to accomplish this.

Move in closer to your subject. When you spot something you’d like to take a picture of, snap a shot. Then move in closer and take a better shot. If you have your subject fill the frame, it will help the viewer appreciate and understand your photo. When taking the picture, continue to move closer until you are sure your picture will represent the subject.

To experiment with photography, be sure to play around with shutter speeds. A slower speed means the shutter is open longer and can capture motion. Photos of a waterfall with a slow shutter speed would make the water look like one continuous motion. Faster shutter speeds capture action and are frequently used in sports photography. A photo of a waterfall in this example would show every drop of water clearly.

Experiment with different speeds for your camera’s shutter. Do not be afraid of hurting your equipment. Speed it up and slow it down. See how the speed effects the final picture. Take a lot of practice shots, and get familiar with how your camera will react at different shutter speeds.

Don’t be too “flash happy.” While flash has it’s time and place, you don’t need to use it for every situation. In fact, it’s recommended that you do not most of the time anyway. If you must though, try lowering its intensity so that you can get more natural shots.

Think of your concept before shooting. Put some thought into it, and brainstorm about potential points of view, backgrounds or concepts. This will help you avoid taking a bunch of unrelated photographs. You will be inspired and see much better results, if you take this approach.

Before you start using your camera and before you start setting up things to shoot, you need to learn about your most valuable tool; you need to learn about your camera. The best way to do this is by reading the camera’s included manual and learning about everything it does.

Using the tricks and tips in this article can help you with your photography. Just because you have a digital camera does not mean you will automatically take great shots. Use these tips before you upload your photographs or have them printed, and get ready for the compliments from friends and family, on what a great job you do!